Sunset to Sunrise on NorthStar Lake

Late yesterday a severe thunder storm blew through NorthStar Lake. Our swimming raft took a journey down lake, but was rescued post storm. After the bad weather, the sky cleared and the wind calmed … and thus started 10 magical hours on NorthStar Lake.

All photographs except the Milky Way image were taken from my kayak. The sunrise photos were of birds found while kayaking along the shoreline.

08:30 pm: 45 Minutes prior to Sunset (Loon Family)
Y3-M07-Sunset-NorthStar-Loons-2 Y3-M07-Sunset-NorthStar-Loons-1 Y3-M07-Sunset-NorthStar-Loons-3


09:40 pm: 25 Minutes after Sunset!


02:00 am: Northern Night Light! (Milky Way over our Northwoods cabin)

06:00 am: 45 minutes after Sunrise! (Pileated Woodpecker and Merlin)
Y3-M07-Sunrise-Pileated-Woodpecker-1 Y3-M07-Sunrise-Pileated-Woodpecker-2 Y3-M07-Sunrise-Merlin

2 thoughts on “Sunset to Sunrise on NorthStar Lake

  1. Fine night despite the storm? Beautiful little loon babies. Seems like a “heavenly” place. If this isn’t too personal – do you sleep? HA!

    1. Vicki: Sleep is highly overrated! Actually stretched out on the couch right now at 3:45 pm … resting and reading. I’m sure I will hit the hay by 9 pm tonight. All the dusk, night and dawn activities will finally slow me down, P!us the 30 mile bicycle ride I took about midday!

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