Yard Bird: Cooper’s Hawk!

Yard bird … Hunting my feeders. Finally got a decent pic.

Hopefully I will not get accused of baiting, but this Cooper’s Hawk was interested in:
* Cardinals
* Chickadees
* Juncos
* Mourning Doves
* Nuthatches (Red and White-Breasted)
* Squirrels (Gray and Red)
* Woodpeckers (Downey, Hairy, Pileated & Red Bellied)

I understand via a friend who stayed in our house recently that it has already caught one of my Cardinals … who knows what else.

3 thoughts on “Yard Bird: Cooper’s Hawk!

  1. Oh, you bad bird. Stay away from those cardinals. Get some English Sparrows, I understand they are quite tasty.

  2. Summer before last we had a Cooper’s hawk ( or two ) as very frequent yard visitors. I love all birds, but it was disheartening to see this predator’s easy hunting in our in town yard.

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