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Alarm Clock Woodpecker

The Northward Bird Migration is in full force. I keep a window open in our bedroom year round, and that means I get to hear the “Morning Sing”. Warning, you need to be an early rising person to enjoy the early morning sing. Right now in northern Minnesota with the sun rising a few minutes before 6:00 am, the morning song tends to start around 5:15 am, and the participants are changing daily as more bird species arrive back (or pass through) the Northland. By the first day of summer … the day with the longest amount of daylight … the morning song here at my house tends to start around 4:15 am (30 to 45 minutes before sunrise)

While most woodpecker species remain here throughout the winter, three species are migrants … two of which have made it back to the Northwoods in the past 7 to 10 days (at least the males claiming prime breeding habitat). Not to far from our bedroom window is a large white pine which has a 20 foot tall dead left trunk … the perfect drumming tree. At 5:15 am, my alarm clock woodpecker, a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, arrives to put on its first performances of the new day. Apparently Northern Flickers are birds which enjoy sleeping in a bit. The flickers ALWAYS arrive 20 to 25 minutes after the sapsucker. The exact same tree is utilized with a different rhythm and beat! It is always funny to see who responds to the drumming. Quite often other woodpecker species arrive to check out who is giving the performance, but only the “right species” takes a true interest!

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker / Alarm Clock Bird

If you would like to learn what birds are migrating though your area right now (or mine at the head of Lake Superior), read up on my Haikubox which records what is singing in or near my yard. You may also connect to Haikuboxes at various points on different migration highways. Learn more …

Here is the link for my own Haikubox. You may wish to select the data for the birds that sang in my yard yesterday … a 24 hour period.

Great Gray Owl Hunting

It was  quite windy earlier this week, and when Tuesday morning was forecast to be calm and overcast … hopefully with no rain, I trekked over to Sax-Zim Bog. Not many returning migrants were yet around with the exception of Sandhill Cranes which I saw many places. One of my bigger surprises was finding a huge flock of evening grosbeaks … mixed sexes. I would have though these finches would have returned deeper into the Boreal Forest in preparation for the breeding season, but the grosbeaks were not in any hurry to end their winter patterns.

Later in the morning, I stumbled across a Great Gray Owl in an unusual location hunting long into the daylight hours. The owl even put up with small amounts of drizzle. I watched the Great Gray hunt for over 75 minutes with nary a car or other person present.

Here is my first view of the owl … however within 10 minutes it flew over to hunt only 20 yards from where I was standing!

Great Gray Owl Hunting

The Movie (video link for email subscribers)

Canosia Ospreys a Courting

Eight days ago I noticed that male ospreys had arrived back in the Northland, and specifically the Canosia Wildlife Reserve. The reserve has three osprey nests. I assume these raptors find the fishing in the nearby lakes and ponds stellar. As of this morning, two nest have males “hanging” out, waiting and hoping for females to return north. The nest off Lismore Road must be prime habitat as the male at that nest had already been selected as a mate by a returning female.

Sunday morning I enjoyed watching the ospreys cement their relationship! This nest even has a nearby Great Blue Heron Rookery, and the ospreys did not take kindly when two herons made a pass at their nest. The “fish eagles” attacked instantly! (see the video)

I’m not certain these images and videos were Sunday morning certified, but I had fun watching the pair ospreys before church!

Ospreys Mating

Again?! Yup says the Male!

The Happy Couple! Was it as Good for You?!

Bringing Sticks Post Coupling. I guess the male wants to let his sweetheart understand the depth of his love!

Stick Delivery #1

Stick Delivery #2 (a double! … a stick in each talon)

Stick Delivery #3

Stick Delivery #4

Stick Deliver #5

Ospreys Mating & Nest Building … the Movie! (video link for email subscribers)