Monthly Archives: July 2016

Wedding Bird Lifer! The Green Heron!

Three hours of hiking narrow trails through the woods, climbing over logs, pushing my way through undergrowth to get a decent vantage point of logs against the shore of some wetlands … and the end result is I found a new bird, a lifer for me … the Green Heron!

Although green herons occasionally visit the Duluth area, they really stay further south. Thus, given I am down in the Twin Cities for Erik (my youngest son) and Katie’s wedding, I took some time to go birding this morning. I may have to try again early tomorrow morning when there should be better light (dark clouds this morning). I think I now understand some good fishing perches the herons utilize. We shall see.

Lifer! The Green Heron!
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Hanging Out on the Log (Great Blue Heron and Wood Ducks)

Eastern Phoebe Kids Waiting for Food!

Garden Color Explosion

My wife and I made the decision seven years ago to maintain our yard in a natural environment state. We live across the street from a creek that rolls down to Lake Superior, and next to the forest. Our own yard is a mix of 5 to 6 foot tall grasses, wildflowers, and a perennial garden. Two evenings ago I sat about 15 yards from my front door, surrounded by tall grass and near some bee balm. It was a very pleasing interlude … helped by a cold glass of white wine! I was surrounded by tens of butterflies, bees, dragonflies, and many hummingbirds. Here are just two of my visitors.


Female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Power Outage Birding

After four days w/o power, electricity finally returned yesterday to the Northland … including the heavens! Last night, although not a major dance by the Northern Lights, I captured my first even meteor in combination with the Aurora Borealis! The rest of my images were taken over the past few days. Even though we were without power, a true wildlife photographer finds the ability through strategic coffee shop visits to keep camera batteries charged.  🙂

Boulder Lake Aurora Borealis & Meteor!

Meadow Lark Chicks & Wildflowers
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Red-Headed Woodpecker
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Shorebirds on Park Point (Least Sandpipers & Lesser Yellowlegs)
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Eastern Kingbird