Pouring Rain Polka Party Birding!

When it was pouring rain at 6:30 am yesterday morning, what was the correct action for the morning? The obvious answer was to go birding! I decided I didn’t want to be house bound and therefore I drove well north of Two Harbors to cruise back roads. This was a great decision.

First, I was able to listen to the Fun Time Polka Party. Thus, as I drove north my car was filled with polka power music. This was a significant episode because the premier polka king of the Northland, Florian Chmielewski, whose granddaughter hosts this show had unfortunately died this past week. I can remember watching the Chmielewski Fun Time Hour with my parents years ago (news report of the passing of the former musician, state senator and dairy farmer … video link for email subscribers)

After enjoying music and interviews with an icon, I was surprised and dumbfounded when my birding was fantastic. It just shows, when migration is in full force it is ALWAYS a good decision to go birding!

Trumper Swans on Langley River

The Video! (video link for email subscribers)

Broad-Winged Hawk and its Prey … a Ruffed Grouse

The Video! (video link for email subscribers)

Ring-Billed Ducks on Stoney River Forest Road

The Video! (video link for email subscribers)

And from a few days earlier … some Ruffed Grouse seen in the same area. During yesterday’s time with the victorious Broad-Winged Hawk, even though it was raining a grouse was drumming near by. I almost wonder if the hawk was hiding and waiting to see if someone would be attracted by the drumming. During courtship most birds are not very careful. Love is dangerous!

3 thoughts on “Pouring Rain Polka Party Birding!

  1. My mom has always loved polka music and has albums. When we were growing up, she used to dance crazy around the house, by herself, when she played it. I did see the news of his passing. I’ll have to check if she heard. Fun memory!
    I love the duck photos! My interpretation…#1 Ring-billed ducks minding their own business. #2 Mallard comes in to let them know they are being watched and photographed. #3 Ring-billed ducks in shock…we had no idea! Lol
    Thanks and have a great day!

    1. Love your interpretation of the Ring-Billed Duck comments! I was wondering. The mallard definitely flew in, and very specifically swam towards them quacking, and then left.

  2. “Love is dangerous”…🤣

    I saw so many Broad-Winged Hawks up in Sax-Zim Bog the end of April. They seemed to let me get close which was a surprise.

    I’m loving these updates on your bird adventures.

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