Yellow-Shafted Flicker Chick Supper Time!

I own a  big round of thanks to one of my local crows. Nine days ago this crow was attacked by a pair of flickers. The commotion caught my attention, and after they drove the crow away my patience was rewarded when after a 20 minute wait the flickers revealed the location of their nest hole. Over the intervening period I have waited and watched, and two days ago the chick appeared! I am actually surprised there is only one young flicker. Normally when I find a nest hole there are at least two chicks, often three. I wonder whether the crow did eat one of the young?

Regardless, here is the dinner hour from yesterday evening at the Yellow-Shafted Flicker residence!

Dinner Call!

I want supper NOW!

Down the hatch!

All Done! Not Happy!

Bring more food!

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