A Good Birding Day!

I should have known that yesterday would be a good birding day when one of the Great Horned Owl parents visited my yard at 3 am and hooted away for over 15 minutes. With my windows open I often awake to hooting, and then quickly fall back asleep. It is truly relaxing.

I decided if the parents were willing to visit me, I should be sociable in turn. Shortly before sunset I hiked over to the nest and the owlets were showing they were siblings who would friends forever!

Once I walked home, I thought my birding was done, but with the last light of day a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker visited one of the three prime drumming trees in my yard. In total, yesterday all of these woodpecker species took a turn at drumming on the tree. I’m getting pretty good at knowing which species is visiting based upon the syncopation  of the beat. My drumming tree visits were from:

  • Downy Woodpeckers
  • Hairy Woodpeckers
  • Northern Flicker (seems to be a favorite catch for my owls)
  • Pileated Woodpeckers
  • Red-Bellied Woodpeckers
  • Yellow-Bellied Woodpeckers (pictured below)


One thought on “A Good Birding Day!

  1. oh my gosh- those two little owls- being friends for life! made my heart sing. have not seen a sapsucker in our yard yet and just saw the first flicker today. thanks so much for visiting the owl family and sharing

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