Tag Archives: MN North: Brighton Beach

Nordic Night!

Last week’s storm just keeps on giving in terms of beauty. Although no bird photos today, I was up before the dawn, and Nordic skiing after the sun set on the Lester Amity Trails. The day started with a brilliant sunrise, and twenty minutes before sunrise the scene was both gorgeous and surreal out on the Lake Superior ice.

Later in the day we received 5+ inches of bright white fluffy snow. Thus, after day I went cross-country skiing. I hope you enjoy my photographic journey on both sides of the day … during the Nordic Night.

Ice Planet Sunrise Over Lake Superior
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Nordic Night

Day 290: Beauty Before the Storm

Our first major winter storm is bearing down on the Northland. It appears the birds must know this fact, and were busy foraging and eating all day long. Here are a series of photos from sunrise to just before sunset.

20 minutes before sunrise at Brighton Beach (Canada Geese)
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Look at me! I can walk on water! (Mallards)


Food! (Blue Jay)
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Day 203: Waxwings on the Rocks!

As I noted yesterday, it is fun to have sunrise at a slightly later hour. It’s now possible to head outside to enjoy the early morning activity without having to get up before 5 am! I had noticed yesterday that the Cedar Waxwings often come down onto the rocks in the early morning … thus today’s photos.

I also enjoyed photographing an old laker (the Alpena) as she entered the Duluth harbor at sunrise.

Brighton Beach Cedar Waxings
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The Lake Freighter, Alpena
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