Tag Archives: MN North: Pagami Creek Forest Fire Region

Lynx, Martens & Bears … Oh My!

Yup, just another day in northern Minnesota! Actually, even by my standards this is a pretty awesome day. A few minutes after sunrise found me on a remote wilderness road near the Canadian border in northern Minnesota. Appropriately enough, this road is named Tomahawk Road and it reaches 18 miles into the Superior National Forest northwest of Isabella, Minnesota (not to far south of the Canadian border).

Within the first mile I discovered a pine marten foraging for its breakfast. A few miles further down the road I had a fantastic find … a Canada Lynx … both animals are lifers for me. Here is a pic of the marten (no image of the lynx)

One of the reasons I like this region is it allows me access to the Pagami Creek Wildfire area. Now that we are about six years post fire, the forest is reblooming and teems with wildlife. When I reached my hiking destination near Isabella Lake, I became the subject of some curious Grey Jays. I think they were checking me out, rather than vice versa. I also enjoyed seeing some Spruce Grouse during my drive in to my trailhead.

Grey Jays … Duck, Duck, Grey Jay (oops, I mean duck!). Seriously these two birds poked and prodded each other … seemed to be playing! The second two “jay photos” show all the burned out white pine trees.
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Spruce Grouse on Tomahawk Road

One I got home to Duluth, this spectacular day continued. See the photo I took of a snow bunting at the mouth of the Lester River. These birds which are now migrating down from the Arctic spook oh so easily; yet this individual struck the perfect post for me on the Lake Superior shore.

My day finished off with a HUGE black bear raiding my feeder. I watched from less than ten yards away as Mrs. Bear enjoyed my bird feeders.

Lapland Longspur and Spruce Grouse

Although I love bike touring, I did miss the ability to make trips out into the wilderness in search of unique birds and neat photographic conditions. Even though my wife and I only arrived home late yesterday afternoon, I was away from the house one hour before sunrise this morning (6:25 am) such that I could reach the Pagami Creek Wildfire Region which is NW of Isabella, Minnesota early in the morning (i.e. when birds are actively feeding). This area burned back in 2012 and now is a great wilderness area where one enjoys experiencing how natures rejuvenates itself.

I scored two species of birds which are difficult to find, Spruce Grouse (saw four and photographed two unique birds) and Lapland Longspurs. The longspurs are a lifer for me. To reach this forest fire area I had to drive 60 miles north of Duluth, and then follow a 20 mile logging road deep into the wilderness. It was worth the effort. I had been hoping for bright skies which had been forecast, but instead the weather delivered was clouds, temperatures just above freezing and even some light snow on the ground in places!

Here are a few pics from this morning.

Lapland Longspur (immature)

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Spruce Grouse


A Northern Night to Remember! Aurora Borealis Dance!

The forecast was perfect last night … a G2 Aurora Borealis Watch, No Moon & Clear Skies. Thus, I made the decision to drive 70 miles north of Duluth to the Isabella area. Not only is this area remote, within a few miles of the Canadian border, but it borders the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) and is DARK! For 90 minutes I sat on a dock on a remote lake, waiting and hoping. The “Green Glow” was present, but I wanted a solar storm with light spikes. Shortly before midnight I was rewarded, and the Northern Lights continued to dance until dawn. I took the opportunity to check out some locations at which I had been wanting to try night photography. Here are the results … (also took some nice Milky Way photographs … will post those tomorrow)

Waiting … Selfie Under the Green Glow – Shallow Lake (12 miles NW of Isabella)

The Aurora starts to Dance! (Shallow Lake)
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The Pagami Creek Wildfire Region (BWCA / Tomahawk Road 18 miles from Mn. Hwy #1)

Had been wanting to check out this entry point to the BWCA. A huge forest fire burned through this area in 2011. The forest is experiencing a rebirth. I often bird here, and had wanted to try some night photography. Mist is rolling in.

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Greenwood Lake Boat Access (Lake Cty #2)

Watch the sunrise, or the Northern Lights? Decisions, Decisions. Why not watch both! Given I desperately needed some sleep, I had actually pulled the car over at this boat launch shortly before 4 am because I desperately need some sleep, but God thought otherwise!

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