Tag Archives: Texas

Major Migration Event: 100k+ Dickcissels!

Molly and I saw well over 100,000 Dickcissels this morning on Texas #22 while bike touring about five miles west of Corsicana, Texas. For about six miles we were treated to thousands and thousands of Dickcissels while at the same time viewing carpets of bluebonnets. As a Naturalist I realized just how rare this event was. These birds winter in Central and South America, and are working their way north to the grasslands of the Midwest. This was a once in a lifetime event which was awe inspiring.

The music from their singing was amazing, and when flocks took off the sky was filled. Fantastic morning to be bike touring through rural Texas. I have included one photograph to give some impression of what the deciduous trees looked like. At the same time certain farm fields were full of feeding Dickcissels.

To learn more about Dickcissels follow this link from Cornell University:


As I noted, the Bluebonnets made the scene that much better. Rolling carpets of blue filled the fields. It was truly a magic morning. We are now 935 miles into our bicycle tour of Texas.

Neon Strip Birds

Finding beauty in a highway jungle! Molly and I are stopped for the night at a very, small, modest motel near where three highways intersect. There would seem to be nothing beautiful about the location.

When you are cycling, pushing on to the next town is not an option. The body is tired. However, just before sunset I found this Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher looking for an evening snack. Just shows beauty is everywhere … even on neon strips. One must just look for it!

Texas Birds and Wildflowers!

Molly and I completed our 19th day of cycling in Texas this afternoon. We have now rolled 783 miles! The wildflowers have been amazing, and each day via my daily bike diary it seems I find a new flower and post a photograph.

The birds have been fun, but quite frankly when one needs to bike 40 to 55 miles in a day, unless the birds almost insist I take a photograph … I just roll on by and enjoy the sights. Today a Dickcissel and Western Kingbird did insist they wanted their photograph taken!

Here are two unique photographs. I am kissing the pavement! One might ask why? While most days we experience good shoulders and routings due to my advance research, there are days where you wish one could get in a car. Two days ago we had horrible crumbling pavement with non existent shoulders plus a quartering headwind. Did I mention the the route included some decent hills? I was a very happy camper when at 35 miles into that day’s ride we entered a new county and Eureka! Smooth beautiful big shoulders!

Answering the question of where we are now … 783 miles and 19 days into our tour … a small town named after President Madison.