Monthly Archives: March 2015

Hybrid Goldeneye / Hooded Merganser (Yr. 2: Day 62)

Had a unique experience this morning shortly after sunrise. While watching some ducks at the Rice Lake Dam just north of Duluth, I discovered a bird which was a bit odd. Enter into the equation a hybrid (or a “hybird”) between a Goldeneye and a Hooded Merganser.

Jean Iron’s blog on the same hybrid bird was helpful in making a positive ID.

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Raptor Roulette at Sax-Zim Bog (Yr. 2: Day 61)

Any vole or mouse which ventured out of its burrow this morning into the fields of Sax-Zim Bog was playing Russian Roulette, or should I say Raptor Roulette. While the bog is known as the place to visit in the lower 48 to see Arctic birds that winter in northern Minnesota, and the “grey ghost” … the great grey owl, with the melting of the snow and warming temperatures the raptors are returning north. A trip through the bog this morning provided many opportunities to watch hawks and eagles hunting … quite often successfully.

Bald eagles often scavenge, and I found this eagle working over a black bear carcass which I have been visiting for over two months.


This Northern Harrier made a kill, and after eating some of its breakfast was driven off its kill by these two crows.
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A rough-legged hawk hunts the Bog


All is not kill and be eaten … this purple finch sang from the treetops and ate some buds!
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The Aurora Hunter’s Wife! (Yr. 2: Day 56)

My wife, Molly, is a freelance writer for Lake Superior Magazine, and maintains her own blog. This morning she posted a story about the life of an aurora hunters spouse. Sound familiar for any of you?! LOL! I think she could have just as easily written the entire same article about birding! Here is an excerpt from her article … as well as the link to the full content:

I’ve gotten used to living with an Aurora Hunter.  The constant monitoring of atmospheric indicators.  The blips and beeps that go off night and day from apps informing him of favorable conditions.  Flinging around mysterious terms like Kp index, solar wind speed, Bz and coronal mass ejection.  And the nocturnal trips out into the dark and cold.  All in search of Northern Lights. (read full article on Molly’s blog, Superior Footprints)

Molly was a good sport, and she went Aurora chasing with me on my second straight night out watching the Northern Lights. Here are two photos from last night, with Molly: (see my prior’s night’s efforts when the Aurora display was even more awe inspiring)

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Oh yes … I still went birding after a nap … found this American Black Duck duo!