Monthly Archives: March 2015

St. Patrick’s Day 2015 Northern Lights Display (Yr. 2: Day 55)

At 2:00 a.m. my Northern Lights app alarm went off. A quick check of the numbers revealed the conditions were looking insanely good. This fact plus clear skies and no moon meant a trip north of Duluth twenty five miles to the frozen ice of Boulder Lake was demanded. By 2:40 am I was on the ice, and stayed there till 5 am. The Aurora filled the sky, even sometimes to my south. The peak of the Zodiac even had flashing lights for almost an hour. Here are a few photos from last night … a true start for a St. Patrick’s celebration!

Matt joined me on the ice around 3:30 am. Got a nice photo of him changing camera settings during a “quiet period” of lights!

Northern Lights at Boulder Lake … 25 miles north of Duluth
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Goldeneyes … Frozen in Flight! (Yr. 2: Day 53)

One makes one own luck!

I spent almost 1/2 hour this afternoon slowly getting close to a flock of Goldeneyes at the end of the Duluth Interstate Bridge. This Goldeneye trio swam to the end of an open water channel, and were blocked by ice. They had three options: turn around, dive or fly. I hoped for the third option and was rewarded! It’s nice to have open water again.

The Approach


The Take-Off


Frozen in Flight!

Changing Seasons: Winter & Spring Friends

Winter is giving up its hold on the Northwoods. The snow has melted, even in the deep forest. While it is nice to be warmed by the sun with just a faint memory of severe below zero temperatures (F, not C), we locals know not to get too comfortable. Even as we celebrated “pi” day which comes but once per century (3.14.15 … ), everyone knows the snow will be back quite a few times before the leaves bud out in very late May.

However, for the moment like everyone else I am enjoying the change of seasons. Here are a few photos from the past few days … Year #2, Days 49 to 52.

American Black Duck … utilizing the only, but small, open water to be found


Fire and Ice – Sunrise at Canal Park


Breakfast for the Ermine / Weasel
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