American Redstart

Ever had a bird you really wanted to see, but until you learned its song, your sightings were few and far between? American Redstarts were one of those birds for me. However once I learned their song, I discovered they were all over the place in the Northwoods.

When I went looking for my owls yesterday afternoon, and could not find them I did not mind. Redstart males were everywhere having fights as they defined territory and waited for the ladies to arrive.

2 thoughts on “American Redstart

  1. Wonderful capture! Learning the different bird songs and of warblers in particular has enhanced my experience in the woods enormously. I definitely hear them far more often than I see them 🙂

  2. good news they’re back. we’ve had a nesting pair for many years, but didn’t see them last year. you’ve given me hope.

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