Owling Angst – Pheasant Finds!

Will the owls ever let me see them again?! October was a horrible month for owling. While I used my extensive knowledge about “the wise ones”, I found nary an owl in October. Two mornings ago I arrived on McDavitt Road in Sax-Zim Bog almost an hour before sunrise. Conditions were perfect … dark … an almost full moon to spy a hunting owl … light winds … and cold, 11F (cold conditions require an owl to hunt and eat more often). I knew these conditions would be prevalent the prior evening, which is why I found myself up in the Bog long before sunrise. Better yet, the juvenile Great Grays I had seen in August and September should now not get fed much by their parents. The young, still learning hunters given their failure rate at hunting, should be out searching for voles a larger percentage of the day.

When God gives you lemons, make lemonade! After 90 minutes of seeing nary an owl, I threw in the towel and left the forest and took a circular route home which would optimize my search for non forest birds. I quickly found quite a few red-tailed hawks, but the real discovery of the morning was a flock of ring-necked pheasant.

While cruising the area I spied the pheasants down in a roadside ditch … a shady ditch. Given the temperature had only reached 18F I knew the birds would eventually climb up to the road to forage. I waited for 20 minutes, and my patience was rewarded. Seeing pheasant in northeastern Minnesota is actually quite a treat. Our habitat is not vary pheasant friendly. The ring-necks eventually walked quite close to my “car blind”.

There actually is a key take-away from my story. Adjust your birding focus if success is not presenting itself. I moved habitats and birding focus. Apparently my local owls, given all my October owling searches, were laughing at me last night. While Molly and I were watching grandkids trick-or-treat down in the Twin Cities,  my locals were hooting up a storm in my own yard at 6:30 pm. My Haikubox kept sending me notifications, and the recordings were loud and  clear. Uff dah!

The Ring-Necked Pheasant of the South Bog

One thought on “Owling Angst – Pheasant Finds!

  1. love these pictures. several years ago we had a male pheasant in our yard and neighbors saw him walking down the driveway!

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