Birding a World Without Color!

A world without color! It seems as if at least once a week since the Fall bird migration started, I have visited the Greenwood Forest Fire Burn Area (Minnesota Public Radio News Link). It has been a little over two years since the wildfire, which means nature is already recovering. Two of the first bird species that often move into a burn area are Black Backed Woodpeckers, and Northern Hawk Owls. I have been looking for both species.
Northern Minnesota’s boreal forest is at the southern edge of the vast boreal forest stretching north to the tundra line in Canada. Thus, we are often not a “hot” spot for these bird species that love freshly burned out regions. However, the woodpeckers are all over the place in the Greenwood Burn Area, and I had been hoping I would eventually find a Northern Hawk Owl this Fall. Jackpot this morning in the fog!
This image shows the Hawk Owl perched at the top of a burned out spruce. My hope is now a second Hawk Owl of the opposite sex will show up this winter to make for some “owl love” and nesting!
And two close-ups taken taken in the freezing fog this morning. There might not have been any color but I was thrilled with the find!

In case anyone wonders given how many folks are visiting Sax-Zim Bog right now, I was by my lonesome this morning well north of Two Harbors … not even other cars from non birders!

4 thoughts on “Birding a World Without Color!

  1. Absolutely brilliant shots. I am a lifelong birder in the UK , and am so envious of you amazing Birdlife , and Owls in particular . I have just purchased a Canon SX 70 HS. Are most of you pics taken using the SX70? Merry Christmas !!

    1. My images are pretty split between the Sx70 and my Sony. Make certain you read my reviews of the Canon Sx70 on this web site. Under the right conditions it performs well, but only assuming bright conditions and one uses certain settings.

  2. Yup, our December surroundings are a little different this winter, but your good birding eyes spotted some treasures.

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