Tag Archives: MN North: Old Vermilion Trail

Old Vermilion Trail Birding & Skiing

Old Vermilion Trail is back in business! I had a delightful cross-country ski early this afternoon. The ski trailhead which I groom and maintain is right across the road from the bird feeders (2 miles in from Normana Rd). Rock skis are required as although the snow coverage is good, snow depth varies between 2 and 4 inches and you will occasionally bottom out during a kick (classic only). While driving home, and only a few miles from Old Vermilion Trail I found a huge flock of pine grosbeaks on Lizmore Road, and two Bald Eagles.

Finally, here is an image of my friend Greg. We traveled up into the Pagami Creek Forest Fire region yesterday. He is seen scanning Isabella Lake during one of our numerous hikes. It is quite unusual for a lakes to be ice free at this time of year.y3-m12-isabella-lake-pastor-greg

Love of the Land!

Anyone who has followed my blog for a while should understand I love this land, and its people. For me, northeastern Minnesota is God’s Country! In fact, two days ago I was elected board chair of Destination Duluth. This 501c organization exists to encourage people, businesses and organizations to move to Duluth. If you like my images, you must visit Destination Duluth’s Facebook page (no account required), or install our IOS / Android app. Both resources have the work of phenomenal Northland photographers, and in the case of the app, many other items which will help you enjoy our area … better yet, no ads or sales pitches.

Although the birding has been a bit slow over the past week, the ability to enjoy this land, its wilderness, and beauty have been frequent. Two nights ago was the 41st anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald (Gordon Lightfoot song). Each year on the anniversary, Splitrock Lighthouse’s beacon is lit in honor of the 29 men who lost their lives.
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After enjoying a late night photographing the lighthouse, I was still up early the next two days. Yesterday Mr. Timberwolf was nice enough to pose for me at sunrise. One may distinguish a wolf from a coyote by its rounded ears, and the fact that it’s just plain bigger.
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This morning while putting out my feeders on Old Vermilion Trail for the winter season, I enjoyed seeing many grouse. While not a scientific study, I am convinced the numbers of grouse are way up and we are near the high of their cycle. The numbers of lynx, bobcat and foxes should also now increase due to increased numbers of prey! If you wish to visit my winter feeders on Old Vermilion Trail (a nice dirt road just north of Duluth), follow this link for a more detailed description and map! Do you think grouse are well camouflaged?!

Finally an image of four freighters anchored out in Lake Superior. The time was about 45 minutes before sunrise this morning. Once again, I love this land and its peoples!

Old Vermilion Trail Pheasant!

Okay … I changed my mind!! Given this week’s storm, even though I had announced that I had stopped filling the feeders I maintain on Old Vermilion Trail for the winter season, I knew the 10 to 12 inches of heavy new wet stuff would make it difficult for birds to forage on the ground … thus I have kept the feeders filled this week.

Well, yesterday I was treated to nine bald eagles about one mile from the feeders feasting on roadkill, and today this female ring necked pheasant was right under the feeders enjoying sunflower spillage. Life has its rewards!

I actually had suspected this bird was around for some time. A few weeks back I saw a large flash of brownish tan as I pulled up in the car. It also appeared that something other than my two red squirrels had been foraging through the crusty snow. Today I confirmed my suspicions. The pheasant comes in to feed around 8:15 to 8:30 am (an hour after sunrise). On a bright sunny day (not many of those lately), I would expect it would appear earlier. If you wish to learn the location of the feeders, including directions and a map (15 miles north of Duluth), see this web page on my blog.

Female Ringed-Necked Pheasant
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