Eagles, Ospreys and Owls … Oh My!

Sorry my fingers pressed publish too quickly with the prior post. As noted a day or two back I am having issues with my computer. The short term solution challenges me.

Perhaps I also should have named this post Raptor Rhapsody! Yesterday was nature’s music, and finally there were major signs of spring in the Northland. While Lake Superior’s water is still hanging in there in the high 30’s F., and none of the local lakes have yet experienced ice out (anyone for ice fishing opening weekend??!), there were definitely signs that made a person smile:

  • Ospreys have returned to our area, including Steam Shovel Sally!
  • Immature Bald Eagles are trying to claim some territory
  • Mom Great  Horned Owl left the nest for the first time in two months
  • Common Redpolls exited the area for the sub-Arctic, and I went from filling my six feeders 3+ times per day to a few days on … my feeders are still quite full.

Here is Steamshovel Sally’s cousin during a take-off. The ospreys live about five miles apart. (last image is a preening fluffle)

Notice the difference between the first photographs and the very last image of the Great Horned Owl family. Mom is missing! By this morning she was back on the nest, but the owlets are large enough now that both owl parents must hunt to take care of the growing family. In the first three images the largest owlet is having some lunch, and based upon its talon the youngster is NOT sharing with its sibling.

Lunch time videos … white noise are the rapids right next to the nest, and the wind gusting in off Lake Superior. (video links for email subscribers: one | two)

This Bald Eagle is at the “Frito Bandito” stage. The coloration of its plumage suggests this bird is between 3 and 4 years old, and will soon be an adult with a white head and tail.

Finally … I LOVE this sign because is says ME all over it! Somewhere in the boreal forest of northeastern Minnesota on a very remote dirt road this morning.

3 thoughts on “Eagles, Ospreys and Owls … Oh My!

  1. Dear BITW – wonderful pics as always, and yes, love the selfies… Yer big birds look like my neighbors, I just moved in with friends in Maplewood near Lake Keller, and we have eagles, osprey and 6 turkeys who nest in our yard. You should see my dog sniffing…

  2. oh my gosh- these are great!!!! and i’m laughing at you near the sign!!! thanks so much for getting out there and sharing. and glad to know mom got off the nest for a bit- maybe she knows mother’s day is coming soon!

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